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Our Governors

The Governing Body is responsible in law, for monitoring the work of the school on behalf of the community. The members are appointed in a number of ways; some are nominated by the Local Authority; parents and staff elect representatives. Two Governors posts are also members of the NTLT. Other Individual Governors are also co-opted by the Governing Body to match the skills needed to strengthen the Governing Body. Members normally serve for 4 years. Full Governor’s meetings are held half-termly. There are also a number of Sub-Committees that meet as required. Minutes of full Governor’s meetings are available for inspection in school.

Structure and remit of the Governing body

School governors are people who want to make a positive contribution to children’s education. They come from all sections of the community and all walks of life.

The Governing body has 3 core strategic functions:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.
  • Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and pupils.
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.

Hazlewood Governing Body Structure

Roles and Responsibilities

Chair of Governors: Keith Oliver
Vice Chair of Governors: Pat Hunter


  • Nursery: Michelle Beattie
  • Reception: Anthea Roberson
  • Year 1: Dianne Imray
  • Year 2: Patricia Hunter
  • Year 3: Alison Rutherford
  • Year 4: Helen Hayes
  • Year 5: Anthea Roberson
  • Year 6: Keith Oliver


  • SEND: Michelle Beattie
  • Policies: Dianne Imray
  • Curriculum: Patricia Hunter
  • Pupil Premium: Helen Hayes
  • Finance: Keith Oliver

Governor Monitoring

  • Curriculum: Patricia Hunter & Helen Hayes
  • Early Years: Keith Oliver & Dianne Imray
  • Key Stage 1: Michelle Beattie & Alison Rutherford
  • Key Stage 2: Pat Hunter & Anthea Roberson


  • Staffing and Finance: Patricia Hunter, Keith Oliver, Michelle Beattie, Anthea Roberson, Alison Rutherford
  • Headteacher Performance Management: Dianne Imray, Patricia Hunter, Keith Oliver and Helen Hayes.
  • Standards and Performance: Keith Oliver (Chair), Pat Hunter & Michelle Beattie
Governor's Allowances Instrument of Government Governor's Details and Interests

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