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Religious Education

Leader: Mrs. K. McKenna

At Hazlewood Community Primary School, we follow the North Tyneside Syllabus for Religious Education. We encourage children to use and develop their skills in RE and to participate in critical thinking.

We aim to ensure that the RE curriculum is challenging, dynamic and relevant to pupils of all ages. Children are taught to understand and respect the importance of religious beliefs in the world around them; including Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Sikhism.

Through RE we encourage pupils to learn from these different religions, beliefs, values and traditions while exploring their own beliefs and questions of meaning. We challenge pupils to reflect on, consider, analyse, interpret and evaluate issues of truth, equality, belief, faith and ethics and to communicate their responses. At Hazlewood, we encourage pupils to develop their sense of self-worth, identity and belonging.

Our aim is to enable pupils to flourish individually within their own communities and as citizens in a plural society and global community. We believe Religious Education has an important role in preparing our pupils for adult life, employment and lifelong learning. We encourage our pupils to develop respect for, sensitivity to and acceptance of others, in particular those whose faiths and beliefs are different from their own.

Through teaching RE we aim to promote discernment and enable pupils to combat prejudice and racism, ensuring our children are able to function well within a modern, multicultural and democratic Britain.

RE Curriculum Overview RE Progression Map RE Intent, Implementation and Impact statement

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