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Family Support at Hazlewood

In every family there are times when life can be a tough. Either tough for a family as a whole, or a challenge for an individual child. At Hazlewood Primary School, we pride ourselves on supporting the whole child and this includes their family, particularly during tough times.

  • It could be that a family member is unwell, there has been a family separation or there could be financial hardship causing pressure within the family.
  • A child could be struggling with friendships in or out of school, with ill health or lacking in confidence.
  • Often in families it can also be a challenge setting appropriate boundaries, following through with these and enforcing routines.
  • In the early years you may experience many issues you would like support with such as, toileting, diet, sleeping and feeding.
  • Perhaps you or your child is struggling to ensure their attendance is acceptable.

f you, your family or your child would like someone to talk to or some support, then please come in and talk to us. Mrs Wilson has a wealth of knowledge in supporting and working with families and has been trained in the Solihull approach; Mrs Wilson also leads on our nurture & friendship programmes within school. At Hazlewood, we aim to actively support our children and families on a daily basis, please make an appointment for a chat, we can also sign post you to other agencies for support if and when appropriate.

If you would like to arrange to meet Mrs Wilson then please contact the school office.

SEN Policy

This policy complies with the statutory requirement laid out in the SEND Code of Practice 0 – 25 (January 2015) and has been written with reference to the following guidance and documents:

  • Equality Act 2010: advice for schools DfE Feb 2013
  • Statutory Guidance on supporting pupils at school with medical conditions April 2014
  • The National Curriculum in England Key Stage 1 and 2 framework document Sept 2013
  • Equality and Diversity Policy
  • Teachers’ Standards

SEN information report

Hazlewood Community Primary School is a fully inclusive school who ensures that all pupils achieve their potential personally, socially, emotionally, physically and educationally. Our Local Offer lets you understand how we support pupils with special educational needs and disabilities. We consult with pupils and their families on our Local Offer by meeting with parents regularly through SEN reviews, parents’ evenings and informal meetings. These can be prompted by parents, teachers or external professionals.

SEND Local Offer

The Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Local Offer sets out the support and services that are available for children and young people aged 0-25 years across North Tyneside.

SEND Policy and Information Report 2022 SEND Action Plan 2021/22 SEND Provision - Intent implementation and impact SEND Postcard April 2023

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