At Hazlewood Community Primary School, we believe that all children should be inspired by music and that every student has the right to an outstanding music education. We aim for children to develop a love of music, developing intrinsic musical skill, knowledge and understanding.
We are also passionate about the power of music and the impact it can have on a person’s emotional, social, personal development and well-being. All children in the school receive weekly music lessons.
Our curriculum aims to give children the opportunity to develop performance, composition and listening skills through exploring a variety of musical styles, traditions and genres and by taking part in a wide range of activities including; African Drumming, Music Technology, Samba. Our aim is to develop whole class instrumental tuition in trumpet, clarinet, violin and guitar. Children also learn to read staff notation and explore classical music through creative projects including performances at various venues in the North East including Whitley Bay Playhouse and Sage Gateshead.