The National Curriculum subjects are English, Maths, Science, History, Geography, Religious Education (RE), Art and Design, Music, Computing, Design and Technology, Physical Education, and for KS2 a modern foreign languages.
Our Curriculum Statement
to nurture and develop well-rounded, capable and caring individuals
to give children the skills, knowledge and attitudes to lead a rich and fulfilling life
In order to achieve our aims, we need to ensure children:
have firm foundations of basic skills that they can use and apply
have a broad range of exciting and creative opportunities to discover and nurture their individual talents
understand the distinct nature of the different disciplines that enable one to become a specialist in a particular area, eg. an artist or a historian
develop a set of core human values that underpin their spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development and their sense of uniqueness and self-worth as individuals
have access and opportunity for all individuals to achieve their potential
develop their thinking and questioning skills
The Hazlewood Community Primary School curriculum consists of:
the National Curriculum core and foundation subjects, which are taught through a relevant, contextual and inspiring curriculum
RE, PHSE and Citizenship
Values Education
an enrichment programme for each year group including Forest School and Beach School, cooking, additional music, sports and green/eco learning.
a programme of extracurricular activities that includes creative and physical opportunities.