
The National Curriculum subjects are English, Maths, Science, History, Geography, Religious Education (RE), Art and Design, Music, Computing, Design and Technology, Physical Education, and for KS2 a modern foreign languages.

Our Curriculum Statement


  • to nurture and develop well-rounded, capable and caring individuals
  • to give children the skills, knowledge and attitudes to lead a rich and fulfilling life

In order to achieve our aims, we need to ensure children:

  • have firm foundations of basic skills that they can use and apply
  • have a broad range of exciting and creative opportunities to discover and nurture their individual talents
  • understand the distinct nature of the different disciplines that enable one to become a specialist in a particular area, eg. an artist or a historian
  • develop a set of core human values that underpin their spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development and their sense of uniqueness and self-worth as individuals
  • have access and opportunity for all individuals to achieve their potential
  • develop their thinking and questioning skills

The Hazlewood Community Primary School curriculum consists of:

  • the National Curriculum core and foundation subjects, which are taught through a relevant, contextual and inspiring curriculum
  • RE, PHSE and Citizenship
  • Values Education
  • an enrichment programme for each year group including Forest School and Beach School, cooking, additional music, sports and green/eco learning.
  • a programme of extracurricular activities that includes creative and physical opportunities.

Standard Operations Procedures:

Teaching and Learning Policy Hazlewood Curriculum Policy Hazlewood Curriculum Pledges Assessment Standard Operations EYFS Standard Operations Foundation Curriculum Standard Operations Learning Hub Environment Standard Operations PSHE RSE Standard Operations Reading Standard Operations School Corridors Standard Operations SEND Standard Operations Writing Standard Operations Maths Standard Operations Phonics Standard Operations PE Standard Operations Intent Implementation Impact Statement Standards Operations Subject Leadership

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