At Hazlewood we have embraced the ‘Talk for Writing’ approach to the teaching of literacy. This approach teaches the skills of writing which is drawn from their reading.
Children use ‘story maps’ to become familiar with the language rhythms and patterns of different genres. It helps the children to develop their ideas and plan and prepare writing. To make informed choices about grammar vocabulary and text structure and helps them to understand how to reflect upon, edit and improve their own writing. We are also part of ‘The Power Of Reading Project’ run by the Centre for Literacy in Primary Education’ (CLPE). This project places high quality children’s literature at the heart of the English Curriculum and enriches teaching and learning through training in and promotion of effective and creative approaches. As with talk for writing it recognises the integral relationship between engaging in reading and attainment in writing.
Reciprocal reading is a way of improving reading comprehension through a structured conversation about a text. It involves a dialogue between the teacher, teaching assistant or partner and children for the purpose of jointly constructing the meaning of a text.
A definition of reciprocal is mutual or two way – something common to two or more people. In reciprocal reading both children and adult share the leadership of the group and have an equal responsibility to contribute and to engage with the meaning of the text they are reading. The strategies practised in reciprocal reading are: Prediction, clarification, questioning and summarising. The group read short sections of a text and then discuss it, building their understanding through dialogue. Pupils at Hazlewood will begin this strategy part way through year 2 and continue throughout Key Stage 2.